Malad Jr. Miss was over the weekend. I went and spent the day with the girls, and then watched Shay perform for her last time and give up her spot as an alternate.
Shay doing her dance routine. We were so proud of her.
Mady had a loose tooth and she told her dad that he could pull it out if he gave her $2.00 The two bargained and settled on $1.25. Jappy finally got to pull a tooth out he was so happy. Mady was pleased with her money. She was thinking. Not only did she get the money from dad but money from the tooth fairy. Smart thinking on her part
We have a crawler!!! He hasn't been feeling well lately so he hasn't been on the ground much, but he can get around and get into small places. It's been fun to watch him. We're hoping that this bug he has will soon get over with. He's had a temperature, sleepless nights, and running nose. I'm ready for him to be better It seems like he's had it for a month.
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