The weekend went way too fast. WE can't hardly wait for Friday, and then it gets here and the weekend is gone so fast. Our family is feeling like we need a mini vacation. Just to rejuvenate. Jappy had to force retirement of one of his ladies this week and it has been REALLY hard on him. She has kept him organize and going since he got there. We don't know what he will do with out her. It doesn't help that she is such a sweet women. She's brought us dinner, was Jay's first visitor when I had him, She's had gifts for the kids for every holiday and birthday and just loves our kids like they were her own grandchildren. We've even put her as our emergency contact for our kids at the school. She means so much to us and it has just broken Jappy's heart. (there was nothing he could do they eliminated her position in the bank) So she decided to retire early. We will really miss seeing her when we visit/or call the bank.
Mady's soccer team is starting to figure out how to play the game (finally) They played really well on Saturday. They actually won!! They don't keep score...but... They WON! Mady had some Great Hard kicks the goaly had some great saves. But Mady attempted a few shots on the goal. We were so PROUD!
Miss B is silly She only has about 10 days of preschool left and is really sad about that. She says she's going to miss Mrs. Joni. I know she will. She was a perfect fit for Brooklyn. She was able to meet other kids her own age and with out the help of her sister. She will be ready for kindergarten.
Mr. Magoo had an exciting week. He started clapping his hands. It's sooo cute. We sing "If your happy and you know it" and he claps and bobs his head. Oh it's cute. He also does a fake cough. we'll cough and then he will unless he has an audience he won't do it. He has also discovered the cupboards. Yeah that's not so fun for me. He loves it and he loves cords, Mady's jump rope. He also started making the fish noise (smacking his lips), and gives kisses. It usually a wet slobbery one but it's a kiss none the less. He gets funner every day. We love to hear him laugh which is often. At church today he wandered under the pews and was just loved on by everyone. It's so great to see so many of our friends love our kids. We are So Blessed. We spent Saturday outside doing yard work and he crawled in the grass all day, and loved every minute of it. We picked weeds out of the rock beds and he was fascinated with the rocks. Picking them up and analyzing them. Then he would drop it and find another. He's all BOY. He's taking more steady steps behind his walking toy. He will be walking before we know it and before we would like. Our baby is growing so fast.
He truly has brought so much joy to us.
The girls asked me last night "Mom when are we going to have another brother?"
I didn't know what to tell them. But for now we are just going to enjoy what we have.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Posted by Jeppsen's at 7:31 PM 3 comments
Mady's Party
We had Mady's party over the weekend. The girls had fun!!
We had a "late over". The girls (7)ate pizza, watched a movie, played dress up, giggled, and they made ice cream Sundae's. The girls had a great time. At the end of the party we had a jump rope completion. We all went outside at 10:15 at night and Jappy told the girls that he would challenge the winner. The girls were amazed at how well Jappy can jump rope. He is amazing! The next day we saw a lot of the girls at the church, and they kept asking him to jump rope for them.
The Girls giving Mady her Birthday spankings. Making their Sundae's.
Thanks to Megan. She showed me how to make these cute paper pockets to hold all the toppings.
Posted by Jeppsen's at 2:57 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Security Breach
Last week we had a security system installed in our house. We've thought about it a lot and a salesmen came to the door and we decided it was too good of a deal to pass up.
Anyways Today I needed to run a quick errand I was gone 20 min. Jay was asleep so I left Mady in charge.I set the alarm and told the girls
"DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR, I SET THE ALARM". .. I Came home and the girls were in tears, and said that the alarm had gone off. Just about then there was a loud knock at the door. I opened it "Hello Officer I'm soo soo Sorry everything is fine. It was an accident Thank you for coming. The FOUR Officers Looked at the crying girls and said "Your not in trouble it's okay". I thanked them again and shut the door. ( I'm really glad they didn't have their guns drawn, That would have added more trauma to them)
So we had a demonstration with how to dis arm the alarm. Poor Brooklyn says about 5 mins later, still in tears remind you.
" Mom you know the police already scare me."
But we do know that it works and that the police will show up.
This was just a TEST.
(I'm trying to be positive)
Posted by Jeppsen's at 3:11 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
She woke up to streamers and balloons She was THRILLED!
We had doughnuts for her birthday breakfast. We sang to her and she got to blow out her candles. She wanted to go out for Lunch so we picked her up and took her to Wendy's. She enjoyed her lunch with all of us. Jappy met us there. I took her back to school and delivered her Birthday treat for her class. Fruit Pizza. That looked AMAZING!! The kids really enjoyed it. When Mady got home we did some quick homework and then she had a small surprise, when Jappy walked in the door. He was able to leave the bank a little early to spend the afternoon with her. It made her day.She spent the rest of the afternoon at the park. And then we headed to Sizzler for her dinner.
Then we headed again for the park, and spent the remainder of the evening there. The weather was Gorgeous We couldn't have asked for a nicer day.
Posted by Jeppsen's at 3:34 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
8 Months
- Says mommma more and more.
- Sitting in the grocery cart.
- waving bye bye
- No teeth yet, no signs of it being in the near future
- Gives more High 5's Everyone we passed at church he'd hold his hand up.
- signing bath ( So cute, Any time I undress him he signs it all excited)
- he crawls everywhere. The tighter the space the funner he thinks it is.
- Loves the door stoppers on the back of our doors he loves the sound they make
- Paper The sound, the taste, the way we run to him to take it out of his mouth.
- Loves Standing. He'll pull himself up on anything. He is continually bruised from falling Someone should really invent a helmet for babies at this stage.
- Hates his nose wiped, and face washed.
- He has a high pitched squeal. Girl will say "Jay you sound like a girl"
- Loves to eat. Starting to get the chewing down. I'm not brave enough to start anything harder yet. Maybe in a few weeks.
- getting harder to change his diaper. He hates to lay still.
- Loves to sit in the window and watch the kids play outside.
- He's our lil Hulk He'll grab anything and everything and not let go. He hasn't broke any dishes but it's been close.
- Enjoy's walks in the stroller. We went roller skating and he loved being out there with everyone else.
- Likes his feet rubbed
- He's so lovey and squishy. We love to kiss him, and hold his chubby little hands
- He's BUSY!! He doesn't STOP. But we wouldn't have it any other way We LOVE IT!!!
Posted by Jeppsen's at 9:21 AM 6 comments
I didn't get any pictures of the girls in their dresses besides this one. Next Sunday I'll try and get that done. Doesn't Mady look soo grown up? It was a nice day but windy. But then again when is it not windy here?? We had a great morning at church. Brooklyn had the scripture in Primary and she did such a great job she practically had the scripture memorized and spoke really clear. We were soo very proud of her. After church we fed the baby and headed to Soda Springs to have lunch with Jappy's mom. We spent the afternoon with them. They were so sweet they hid eggs around the house before we got there. So after lunch the girls ran around the house looking for eggs. It was very thoughtful of them. Jay even found one.
Jay fell asleep after finishing his bottle. Isn't he handsome in his suit?
Posted by Jeppsen's at 9:01 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The BIG Hunt
Brooklyn lined up with the younger group
Mady in the red shirt ready with the older kids.
B in the black shirt looking for eggs
Emptying their loot.
This is something the kids look forward to all year. What a great memory it is for them.
The Easter bunny also came to our house this morning delivering candy, books, games, and a full length mirror for the girls room. The Easter Bunny comes on Saturday so that we can focus on the real reason for Easter on Sunday. So we load our Saturday with FUN. Happy Easter!
Posted by Jeppsen's at 2:41 PM 1 comments