Well, I have done it. I have survived my first month and a half with no husband on Sunday. I defiantly CAN NOT say that I have done it on my own because I have had A LOT of help. I do however get everyone ready and I have not been late yet...Oh I take that back once and it was during the opening hymn. We have some pretty fabulous, Wonderful, Thoughtful. Loving friends that sit close by to help with a hungry baby, or restless toddler. Sunday would be a lot harder with out them. We feel so Blessed.
Jet is a Chunky Monkey...Weighing in at 13 lbs 4 oz. He's in the 92% for his age. That makes Dad very happy. He's starting to smile and coo and can focus in on our faces. We took him in for a Dr. appointment, and we realized he had an ear infection. He's been a little grumpy but is recovering quickly.
He is such a good baby.. He's sleeping 5 hours at night at once and then will eat and will sleep for another 3. We have no complaints.Jet 2 months
Jay on the other hand has been finding his way into our bed at night. I really Dis Like my kids sleeping in our bed. No one gets any rest. We do take him right out when we realize he's there, but we haven't come up with a solution to keep him from getting in our bed. I'll take any advice you have. He is however pretty sweet with Jet, and constantly wants to hold his hand. Each night before bed Jay gets a book read to him and we pray as a family. Last night Jappy was reading him a children's Church book and Jay pointed to a picture of Jesus (Without any prompting) and said "Jesus Christ" Then he wanted to pray and did it on his own. Jappy could only understand the beginning and the end, but he did it on his own. It was a sweet moment. Sweet moment are what we CLING to.
He knows when he is in trouble and will run to us throw his arms around us and Say " I sorry Mommy" I really think he just plays us. Who can get mad at that? But then again we could yell and scream his name or tell him to stop and he can ignore us as if he was deaf. Once again I'll take any advice. He is nothing like my girls when it comes to discipline, or when we tell him "No" He really doesn't care about consequences. Please tell me he'll grow out of that.
I took the boys out for the first time by myself last week. I had to go to the grocery store only for a loaf of bread. So I could make the girls lunch and run it to the school. I thought I could handle it.. Boy was I wrong. Jet was in the cart and there wasn't room for Jay so he walked with me.. Walking is what he didn't do. He RAN through the store zipping in and out of people and down the aisles. I wasn't sure if I should chase him or stay with the baby. I stayed with the babe and tried to stay calm. And when he would come back to me I'd lecture, and bribe him and walk 10 more steps and he was OFF AGAIN. I do have a monkey leash that he will be wearing from now on IF I EVER decide to leave the house again. Like I said we CLING to the SWEET moments we have with him.
Girls are back at school and we are trying to find our routine again. It's not easy when they've been out for so long. They've gone to school a couple of times with out their hair done. Oh well.. at least their clean and fed before they leave!
I feel so behind in everything I'm hoping that one of these days I'll feel like I've got it together. I hate the feeling of being scattered and chaotic.
Jappy is busy with his calling and work. I'm ready for things to settle down. The Gym is starting up their weight loss challenge and Jappy and our Nephew Austin are going to give it another GO. They weigh in next weekend. Then it's healthy eating for the Jeppsen's.
We are excited for a New Year. We have made a list of things that we want to accomplish as a family this year. So far we have started the New Year better than the Last. We are hoping it gets even better.