We made it through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Birthdays after Birthdays, and we are looking forward to the Month of March. We have a Baptism planned and a Family Trip to Disney Land.
I'm struggling keeping things updated and hopefully someday I will fill in all the cracks. But for now I am just going to start with January.
I Had a Birthday and we celebrated in Logan. Our niece and her husband were so Kind and watched our kids while we went out. We did our thing than went back to the house and dropped Jappy off and picked up Jessi and we did what we do best SHOPPING. Then we went back for some Delicious cupcakes from 'Temptations' Our FAVORITE Cupcake place HOLY COW THEY ARE DIVINE!!! Jay hasn't let me forget that I left him behind while I went out with Jessi. Just this week he was telling me how sad he was that I didn't take him.
Jay is FULL of Spunk and lately a lot of attitude. He has an opinion about everything and its never a peaceful Happy one. We are ready for the Terrible Three Phase to be over. But I do Love Night Time when he is angelically sleeping.
Jet is the sweetest baby ever. Oh he is sweet. We just LOVE him. He's not saying anything but hes getting around the house well, and has discovered the Joys of the Toilet. He prefers to feed himself, Loves when Daddy comes home, and Loves his bed.
Mady Loving school and her Teachers and doing well, and has lots of good friends.
Brooklyn had a Birthday and for her present she got enrolled in a dance class at the rec center. She looks forward to it every week and LOVES it.
Jappy is working hard and has working really hard on leading a healthier lifestyle. It has not been easy but he sure is doing a GREAT JOB. I am VERY PROUD of Him.
This last month I have been working on a stake committee for women's conference. Some how I got put in charge of feeding 300 women. How does this Happen to Me? This week I will be doing the grocery shopping and part of the cooking and preparing. Thank goodness for the 5 other ladies on my committee. Some days I wonder when I'm going to get to do the things I want to do and a little less of the things I have to do. I might go on cleaning strike, or cooking strike? Not for good.... Maybe just a day or two. What would that end result be? And would it be worth it? We'll see.