

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012

The ward Christmas Party. The girls were too fast and I missed them on Santa's lap. Jay is all about telling Santa what he wants.  His List got longer as the month of December went on.  Jet wouldn't have anything to do with the jolly bearded man.

 Christmas Eve in their new pajamas. We were lucky enough to have the missionaries spend Christmas evening with us. We had dinner, had a ping pong tournament, a nerf gun war, and a couple hands of Skip-bo. It was a fun night with the Elders.
 We made it through December!!! It never fails that things start to fall apart through the winter season. We had the Durango break down (its gone for good, sad) , the water heater go out, and a broken tailbone. We will not miss the month of mis fortune.  
Jay and Jet are obsessed with the ipad.  They are sitting behind the couch together.

I took Paxton's pictures a couple weeks ago. He is one cute Chunky little guy.  He is in the 75% for his length and weight.  we met with the Cardiologist again earlier this month. His Heart continues to mend itself.  The murmur is still there but is getting smaller. He will have another echo cardiogram in 3 months. The doctor is very pleased with his growth this past month.  He is very confident in Paxton having a full active normal life.

We are enjoying Christmas Break, and are happy to have snow. The kids have been outside everyday for hours at a time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We met with the cardiologist today to have another echo. The murmur is getting better and Pax has been released from his oxygen. We couldn't be happier.  The murmur although still there is only mild we will return for another echo in 4 weeks to track its progress. We will be keeping a close eye on him to ensure that his heart is working properly. But for now all is well. He is a 'TANK' weighing in at 12 pounds. We feel he skipped the newborn phase. He is into 3-6 month clothes and some 6-9. He's grown so fast he's skipped sizes. He still sleeps well and is a good eater. What more could we ask for. The kids love him and have adjusted well to him.  Jet feels left out and follows me room to room, and gets upset when anyone puts on their shoes. Hopefully he'll settle in soon.  Jay LOVES Preschool and so does MOM. It's been good for all of us to have him at school 2 days a week.  It's just down the street so we walk him to school. He has such great teachers who plan fun activities and crafts for them, all while learning It's so GREAT.
 Mady just graduated from the DARE Program. She enjoyed the program and learned a lot. At times I didn't think it was necessary and felt that shielding her from such things was a better way.  I hate that she's growing up and that some day I won't be there to tell her what's good and what 's bad, and what friends she should play with. Letting go is so hard...
Brooklyn...Loves school and is in a class with lots of her friends.  She's miss Bossy around our house. The poor boys have so many moms under one roof telling them what to do.
We've been homebound for the last 2 months it doesn't seem like it should be Christmas time. The months have flown by and I'm feeling behind in all categories. Someday I'll catch up.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pax Blessing

We had a wonderful weekend. New Snow, family, good food, Games. what else could you ask for? Bob and Jay shoveling snow While my family was in town we decided to celebrate the Holiday's Early since we wouldn't be together for the actual thing.  There is never a dull moment when there is that many people under one roof. Thanks everyone for coming It was a lot of FUN!  I took pictures of Pax the day before his blessing with out his oxygen on. BUT those pictures are on my moms camera. As soon as she gets me the copies I will put them on. They turned out really good.
Sweet Baby Pax. These were taken Saturday before his Blessing. Right after his Bath. Hence No oxygen.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

We took the kids to a pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins. We also went on a horse carriage ride.  It was our FIRST FAMILY outing since I had Pax He stayed in the car seat well covered during the outing. It was a Chilly day.

Halloween Trunk or Treat.  Brooklyn is Dorothy Mady is an 80's Rocker. Jay is a Knight. Jet is a Lion.  The kids came home with LOADS of Candy as usual. It felt so good to get out of the house. and to get fresh air, and see friends.  We have been so Blessed with good friends. We have tried hard to keep Paxton out of public places to protect him. But that comes with Lack of Socializing for us. Its a small price to pay for a Healthy Baby.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Paxton is a Champ. We are loving every second of this baby.

He was a scheduled induction.  I was told to call the hospital at 5 am. So I did, only to be denied due to lack of beds.  They took my number and told me they would call me when a bed opened up.  I wasn't going to leave it to chance of them forgetting about me so I called again at 7 and again at 10. By 10 o'clock I was frustrated and let the nurse know I was not going to go one more night being pregnant. She assured me that I would have the baby today and that she promised she would call. I felt slightly better. Little did I know my Dr. was also calling the hospital to get me a bed open. The last month and a half of this pregnancy had been difficult.  My body was retaining so much water I was swollen constantly and the water retention was causing carpal tunnel in my hands.  I couldn't sleep at night because of the tingly\numbness.(the feeling still hasn't returned to my fingers) It was very uncomfortable. My phone rang at 11:30 saying they were ready for me so left the boys with Nana Jacque and headed out . They broke my water and we were well on our way. I had wonderful nurses. I love Labor and Delivery. We had a good time together.  Jappy as usual kept us all entertained.  Dr. Jones stopped by and added to the party and to just  harass me.  There was a Resident that was working that day that I didn't care for. I was dialated to a 4 and he told me i would still be laboring for another 4 hours at least.  I told him that wouldn\t be the case, and that I go fast. He said "We'll see" Well 30 mins later I showed Mr. Know It All that he was wrong. Paxton Ace was born at 2:30 Jappy stopped  everyone just as I was ready to push and told them he needed a BIG BOY 8.10 He said. The nurses all agreed he was a mean husband.  He changed his tune when we struggled with getting his shoulders through. Pax entered the world with out a cry. He just looked around.It made his parents very nervous. They assured us all was well. We didn't hear Pax cry until the next day even.
The pediatrician came in and took a look at him. He had a listen to his heart and right away heard a very prominent murmur. He ordered him an ultrasound and EKG to confirm what he heard.  Everyone was so calm about it we weren't worried. The ultrasound showed that his tricuspid valve was not closing properly causing a regurgitation of the blood from one chamber of his heart to the other. causing the murmur and an enlargement of his heart. The pediatrician on call made a phone call to a Peds Cardiologist in Salt Lake to get a quick consult.  He ordered Pax to  Be on oxygen and made us an appointment to meet with him.  He comes to Pocatello every 5 weeks to see heart patients. We were lucky enough to have him coming into town in the next week.  The reason for the oxygen is to keep the pressure off his heart and keep it from over working itself. We met with the cardiologist and he put a lot of our fears at ease.  He's confident that his heart will heal itself with time, and he will have a normal healthy life. He wants Pax to stay on the oxygen for the next 5 weeks. We will have another ultrasound and EKG at that time to check it's progress.  We feel lucky we were able to bring him home.  I don't care for the extra piece of luggage we pack around the house with him, but its a small price to pay. I was lucky enough to have lots of help this time around. Jappy took two weeks off to help and my mom and aunt came for a few days. Not to mention all our friends taking our kids for a couple hours to help us out. We felt very loved.
 Where did we get his name? Paxton Ace Jeppsen. His initials Spell Jap backwards. Paxton's middle name came from Jappy's Mission President, Wayne Ace Milward. 
We have felt so blessed with his sweet baby despite this little hiccup with his heart. It has made us step back and re evaluate what is important. He is loved on, and cuddled, 
kissed, and hugged more than any of our other babies. He is sweet, and patient, and content with whatever is going on. He sleeps four and a half to five hours a night. (I know...He's a GEM) It's amazing how much more pleasent we all are when we sleep good.
I was not the happiest when I found out I was pregnant nor when we found out it was a boy. But I wouldn't trade him for anything. He was meant to be in the arms of our family.
Pax Sleeps in the Boppy all swaddled up.

Our lil PUNKIN


Friday, June 22, 2012

Our computer has been down Hence the lack of blogging. I'm working on talking Jappy into a new one. I know I won't have to talk too much. It's finding the time to price them and do our homework. The summer has been GREAT!! My house is finally becoming a house of order again. I don't know why I can't keep it together during the school year for Heavens Sakes. But I have defiantly taken advantage of having my two best helpers home. The kids finished swimming lessons and I'm debating on enrolling them in another round. It was so good for them, they learned a lot and had fun doing it. We have spent a lot of the time at the pool already this summer. My kids have tan lines to prove it. We bought a family swim pass in hopes to give Jay something to do and tire him out. He's still our busy wild boy. Jet follows him everywhere. And tolerates his roughness. We found out that we are having another BOY. I'm SLoWLY warming up to that idea but secretly hoping there was a mistake. We all cried a little that day. But the most important part is the baby is healthy!! And October 6th is the due date. I've been feeling great and often don't realize I'm even pregnant. The girls have been sleeping in, playing outside late with friends/ neighbors. They walk the neighbors dogs daily and usually get their chores done quick, so they have the rest of the day to play. It's been nice having them home. Jappy is working hard... He is the #2 producer in this region with loan growth. And the #1 has been doing it for 25 years and also works in his same building. He loves going to work. Although I'm not sure how much work he really does... He golfs weekly, went for a motorcycle ride with a client, and eats out WAY to much. He's always coming home and telling us of some kind of fun adventure he had. I guess I would love going to work too. When we get pics loaded to a new computer I will have a TON of posts to catch up on. We have had plenty of things to post about. Trips, mini vacations, new nieces, a trip to the zoo and plenty of pool pictures.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Good Fortune

We made fortune cookies with a special Fortune inside.

Incase you can't read it the Fortune says

"Oh my this makes 5"
Lucky# 10, 6, 12

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jet enjoying his dinner

Japs Valentines to the Kids.

Jay spilled his smoothie. I told him to clean it up.

We made it through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Birthdays after Birthdays, and we are looking forward to the Month of March. We have a Baptism planned and a Family Trip to Disney Land.

I'm struggling keeping things updated and hopefully someday I will fill in all the cracks. But for now I am just going to start with January.

I Had a Birthday and we celebrated in Logan. Our niece and her husband were so Kind and watched our kids while we went out. We did our thing than went back to the house and dropped Jappy off and picked up Jessi and we did what we do best SHOPPING. Then we went back for some Delicious cupcakes from 'Temptations' Our FAVORITE Cupcake place HOLY COW THEY ARE DIVINE!!! Jay hasn't let me forget that I left him behind while I went out with Jessi. Just this week he was telling me how sad he was that I didn't take him.

Jay is FULL of Spunk and lately a lot of attitude. He has an opinion about everything and its never a peaceful Happy one. We are ready for the Terrible Three Phase to be over. But I do Love Night Time when he is angelically sleeping.

Jet is the sweetest baby ever. Oh he is sweet. We just LOVE him. He's not saying anything but hes getting around the house well, and has discovered the Joys of the Toilet. He prefers to feed himself, Loves when Daddy comes home, and Loves his bed.

Mady Loving school and her Teachers and doing well, and has lots of good friends.

Brooklyn had a Birthday and for her present she got enrolled in a dance class at the rec center. She looks forward to it every week and LOVES it.

Jappy is working hard and has working really hard on leading a healthier lifestyle. It has not been easy but he sure is doing a GREAT JOB. I am VERY PROUD of Him.

This last month I have been working on a stake committee for women's conference. Some how I got put in charge of feeding 300 women. How does this Happen to Me? This week I will be doing the grocery shopping and part of the cooking and preparing. Thank goodness for the 5 other ladies on my committee. Some days I wonder when I'm going to get to do the things I want to do and a little less of the things I have to do. I might go on cleaning strike, or cooking strike? Not for good.... Maybe just a day or two. What would that end result be? And would it be worth it? We'll see.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Mine

Happy Valentine's Day!!