I'm lucky to have found someone who truly loves his kids. There aren't many dads who will
paint their girls nails, (He lets them paint his too for fun) fix their hair, get up in the middle of the night to pray with them when they have bad dreams, take them to the golf coarse with him, and read to them everynight before they go to bed. We love and appreciate him so much for all the sacrafices he makes for us!! He is a WONDERFUL DAD!!

The girls are enjoying summer between swimming lessons, and library time and picnics in the park they still fit in time to play on the tramp with the sprinkler with the neighbors, riding bikes and Mady likes to practices her golf swing in the front yard. We started up the motorhome last night and it fired right up. We're thinking of going up the canyon this weekend with it. We'll see. If we get time to get it all checked out and the d

ust cleaned out of it we're going to take it.
The girls are enjoying their swimming lessons!! Mady started dives yesterday. Last week she swam the length of the pool. We are so proud of her. B also is doing well. They've started her swimming under water. Neither of them are afraid and are going to become excellent swimmers.
Sunday we went for a walk (the girls rode their bikes). Uncle Bob and Aunt Cathy got Brooklyn and Big Wheels which she LOVES, and Mady rides her two wheeler. Anyways Brooklyn was enjoying the scenery instead of watching in front of her and hit a cement anchored lamp post in the parking lot they we're riding in. It was ugly!! There was way too much blood for my queasey stomach to handle. Jappy carried her home (the parking lot is only three houses from ours) We got her cleaned up thank goodness she didn't need stiches, but it is ugly, We're trying to stay ontop of it so she doesn't have any scaring. She's lucky it wasn't worse.
Summer is Finally Here!!

The weather is starting to look like summer. We have had 80 degree weather all week. It feels good to be in the sunshine again. Since we don't have a lot of shade around our house I thought I would put their lil pool in the garage. That way they were out of the sun but still in the water. I know that they will only want to play in there for so long but some time is better than none.
One thing that us and all the other neighbors do is keep our freezers STOCKED with POPSICLES and the fridge with JUICE. Keeps everyone hydrated and for the most part happy in the heat.
30 Wks.Time is flying by.. I had an appt. this morning, everything is going well. I'm not measuring as big as we all thought I would. I keep thinking any day He'll have a growth spurt and I'll be HUGE. I'm measuring 2 cm. smaller, and 5 lbs less than I was with Mady and at this time. So maybe I will have a chance at having a normal size baby. Cross your fingers. Jappy has said all along that he didn't want a dainty boy. But he just might get it.