

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

19 mos.

My baby is 19 months He is fully of energy and mischief.

What he's up to: Toothbrush's, it doesn't matter who's it is he uses it. Fascinated with the toilet and throwing things in it. He likes to watch America Funniest Home Videos on mom's lap. Started going to nursery Sometimes willingly and sometimes forcefully. Pretends he's a dog. Pushes chairs, stools, and toys around to get up on things; counters, tables, window sills. He can barely reach the counters, and is constantly getting a hold of cups, knives, scissors. He doesn't get very far as we are right there with him but he tries. Loves baby girls. He's a lover. He wants to be outside, and screams when he has to come in. He loves anything Round or resembles a bat. Loves to empty my cupboards and climb in. When he wakes up in the morning he yells for his daddy to come and get him. He loves to hold the shower head while in the shower and hates getting out. Constantly getting bumps and bruises. He needs a football helmet and pads to wear constantly.

He tries to read and pray. He will fold his arms and babble over whoever is praying . It's adorable!! It makes us feel like were doing something right. He loves attention and DEMANDS it(especially mom's attention) He's slightly spoiled.
Favorite Foods: mini marshmallows, chicken, cereal with strawberries, banana, apples, steamed veggies, anything sweet
Dislikes: milk, he's pretty picky, food that he likes one day he won't like the next.
What he's saying: momma, daddy baby, cheese hi, uh oh, apple, ball, cracker, kitty, fishy, two, nana, Jay, Mady, uh-oh He's trying to talk but it just comes out gibberish.
We LOVE our googly bear. He is such a fun boy, and keeps us on our toes.


The Larsons said...

Such a cutie! Sounds like he's a busy boy... gotta love boys! I'm sure he is as spoiled as our little girl is going to be!

Megan Jo Eddie said...

I love him too. So glad I get to share a few hours with him every week. He makes me laugh.

Cathy and Bob Sampert said...

Wow, 19 months already! He's getting so big! We're excited to live closer and get to see more of you guys! Good luck keeping your little hooligan out of stuff--sounds like he's quite the little busy body--all BOY! :)

Lowd and Proud said...

Where has the time gone! Have fun chasin' him and keeping him out of harms way. Boys are so much fun!

Annie and Family said...

He is sooooo cute Jen! I love the pict of him in the cupboard!

Hans Stutz said...

Sounds like a true boy, hope everything is going good with you guys.