Brooklyn has said some pretty darn funny things lately. On Friday a friend in the ward did a ladies luncheon / baby shower for Jay and another lady due in two weeks. Brooklyn was all confused by the words "baby shower" She asked "Dad are they going to give Jay a bath??" We laughed.
Then the next day she was eating a brownie that we brought home from the shower. She takes her first bite and says "impressive." she is funny and comes up with some cute things.
Mady is making us CRAZY!! If she's not crying she's doing something to make her sister cry. We can't seem to get her to stay away from or be kind to her sister. And she has really gotten sassy, especially with talking back. She seems too young to be doing that. We have noticed that anything her teacher says is gold and Jappy and I could say the same thing and we're wrong . It's pretty funny. She's reading well, we are very proud of her.
Jay is growing and changing. I hate it. I want him to stay my baby forever. I asked Jap "Do you think if I only fed him 2 oz. a feeding if he will stay a baby?" "No" he says "But you will be in jail"
We love our sweet boy and wish he could stay this way forever.
Unfortunatly He and I got a cold and we're both pretty miserable. I feel terrible for him and his snotty nose. Poor baby.
I will get the pictures up of his blessing soon. I lost my camera for the day so all the pictures are on my moms camera of the blessing. So I'm waiting for her to burn me a CD.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Posted by Jeppsen's at 5:57 PM 2 comments
Nieces and Nephews
Our niece Wendy with her new baby Brielle. Brielle is 2 weeks younger than Jay. We actually had the same due date. CRAZY
Look at her hair, she has a lot more than Jay.
Our niece Jesse and the babies.
Our great nephew Mordiciah 6 mos.
We LOVE his afro. He loves to smile at his Aunt Jen.
Mady and Jay with Cash 18 mos
We are very lucky to be closer to Jappy's nieces and nephew's We've been able to spend time with them individually and be at all of their baby blessing. We have 14 Great nieces and nephews and We LOVE THEM ALL.
Posted by Jeppsen's at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Ode to Football
Jay's 1st football game with dad.
Football season has officially started at the Jeppsen home. Every Sunday (sometimes Monday) from know till Febuary we will have a full house of friends, good food, and wild kids.
Jappy enjoys having other guys to yell and cheer with. It can get rowdy here. The girls always ask after church " Who's coming to our super bowel party today??" Jappy's playing fantasy football with some colleagues and he's loving it. After every game I hear all about it. Even when I say "I don't care" he still seems to think that I really want to know Silly boys and their games.
Posted by Jeppsen's at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
B's First Day of Pre School
Posted by Jeppsen's at 1:08 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
First Day of School, Visit from Nana and Papa
Papa came on Friday and the girls were excited to see him. He made them a ladder for the trampoline and read them books and played games.
We had a good time the with them and it was sad to see them leave. The girls have asked everyday since they've been gone when they will get to see them again. After mom and dad pulled out of the drive way to head home Brooklyn cried, and cried she didn't want them to leave. We really do miss them, and wish we could see them more often.
We have made it through our first few weeks of First grade. It has been a lil bit of a challenge getting up early and her ready by 8:20 in the morning but we're getting it figured out. I did however, fail to pick Mady up on the first day of school. I felt like a terrible mother. Apparently I didin't get the memo that it was only a half day. I got a phone call from Mady saying "mom where are you?" Talk about a poor parenting moment. But she wasn't traumatized no big deal. I think I wasn't more upset by it then her.
Posted by Jeppsen's at 8:19 PM 4 comments