Jay's 4 Month Milestones
Laugh, He gave his first real laugh to daddy.
Grabbing toys and shakes them and puts them in his mouth.
He's finally pushing himself up when is laid on his tummy(this skill has taken sometime, cause he's such a 'tank' it's harder for him to hold himself up)
We're working on sitting up on his own and rolling over he's gotten really close to rolling over these last two days.
He loves Brooklyn. He loves to be snuggled, especially by mom
He's getting more vocal with high pitch squeals.
He's still happy and easy going. He's getting more fun every day.

About a month ago my nieces called and said they wanted to make candy. I told them good for them to be so ambitious. They asked if I had anything going on on a Friday in December and I said No. She said "Good cause we're doing it at your house." Silly girls.
So they met here early in the morning and spent the day. It was fun and entertaining. It was difficult at times cause we had two babies to take care of, but Brooklyn helped a lot with keeping them a lil entertained.
At one point she says "look, Mary and Mary" "I corrected her "Mary and Joseph"
'Oh yeah' she says. She had put their blankets on their heads by herself. We thought it was cute.

Brielle (Mary) is on the right if you couldn't tell.
She's so petite compared to Jay.
Saturday Mady had a birthday party to attend and Brooklyn was sooo sad to be left behind. So we decided to do some shopping for Mady. While we were driving Brooklyn serenaded us with her own rendition of Jingle Bells. It goes a lil like this:" Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingles on his way Na na na Hit me ride .........." then she trails off No matter how many times we had her sing we couldn't figure out what she was saying, and we couldn't get her to say the right words. We laughed a lot. I don't remember if I posted on my Halloween update about one her other lil sayings. The kids were pirates and she was trying to say ARR MATEYS and She kept saying
ARRR MAYONNAISE. She does say some funny things.
Jappy played football on Saturday in the snow. I think he's testing fate when he continues to play. The more he plays The odds of him getting hurt get greater. But he seems to come home in one piece. He has gotten lots of people to show up to play with them. People we don't even know have called our house wanting to play with them on the weekend. It's been a good way to get the ward members together.
We're getting our house together for Christmas and getting it clean before we head to
Coeur d' Alene on Wed. The girls are excited!!! I'm NOT ready for Christmas but I plan to finish while we're up north. We're looking forward to seeing Kai and Jaiden. It's been almost a year, since we've seen them.
I'm also looking forward to eating at the Olive Garden while we're there. Nana said she'd watch the kids. While we went out. Yeah for us!! I haven't eaten there since I was 5 or 6 mos pregnant. I told Jappy, I'm going all out, appetizer specialty drinks (virgin of coarse, well it depends on how well the drive there goes :) , and dessert. Oh I can't wait!!