My Baby is Half a year old.
He is growing and changing each day.
He weighs 18 lbs. and is in the 71% (His rolls have rolls) He's a healthy chunky Baby
He's a really easy going baby, who loves to be held. He is sitting up, eatting rice cereal, sleeping in the crib, grabs things and puts them in his mouth, laughs and smiles,babbles, and rolls over. He prefers sleeping in his bed rather than in someones arms. One thing he is NOT doing is sleeping through the night. He gets up once, but will scream for hours if I don't go get him. I'm working on it.
WE LOVE U JETTERS!! Happy Half Birthday!!
It seems like just a few weeks ago that we came to visit for Jet's blessing... so crazy that he's 6 months old now! Where does the time go? Before I know it Johnny will be that big! His first 3 weeks have kind of gone quickly, although the NICU time sometimes felt a lot longer! He's such a cute little guy Jen--all your babies have been beautiful!
My GOSH how they grow!!! Is Jay potty trained yet? That's the question this summer...
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