

Monday, July 28, 2008

All Planning and No Fun

I got Girls Camp all planned!! The shopping done and my things packed. I even got to bed early. Only to wake up at 2 am and in Labor. By 4:00am my contractions were 5 min apart and I wasn't feeling very good and knew there was no way I was going to make it to Girls Camp.
I started to write a list for my YW President who was going to camp of what I had planned and where the activity was. I woke Jappy up and he didn't believe me and just kept saying it's to early and rolled over. MEN! He rolled out of bed and we started packing the food in the coolers and labeling everything for Camp. In all the commotion the girls woke up and we got them breakfast and headed to the hospital. After being there over an hour and a half the on call doctor finally came in (I was VERY ANNOYED at this point especially when my contractions we're 3 mins apart) and I was dialated to a 2 1/2 . Apparantly they didin't really think I was in labor or that it was doing anything. Now they knew I meant business They started an IV and gave me a quick shot to stop the labor. I tried to convince them just to let me have him but they seemed to think it was to early. They ran my blood and I had low potassium and platelet levels and they seem to think that that's what started labor, and I might have been a little dehydrated.
They finally let me leave around 2 and I haven't left our bed since that afternoon. Thankfully Jappy had already taken the week off, so he's been my lil slave all week. I haven't been able to keep anything down and literally have not left the bed all week. It feels like morning sickness all over again but worse.
I'm not on bed rest. but have slept alot and have have taken advantage of Jappy being home. He has been a GEM I don't know what I'd do without him.
Finally I've gotten to eat and keep it in my stomach, and I loaded the dish washer today YEAH !!! That's a BIG accomplishment.
We have had lots of phone calls from ward members and friends and meals brought and the girls taken for play dates for several hours. We are so greatful for the friends that we have made here and there willingness to serve us in times of need. We are very BLESSED.
I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow and we'll pick a date to be induced. I still feel I'll go early on my own. But she wants me to hold off at least until 37 1/2 weeks. I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to feel more normal again. At the very least it made us find the carseat, and the craddle, and I have my bag packed.
I know that I jinxed myself because I really have had a Very EASY pregnancy until this point. I really shouldn't complain. Soon enough it will be over. Only 2 more weeks and we'll have a baby!


Mandy said...

Oh, Jen! I don't even know what to say. It's so good that you are being well taken care of, and good that your little guy could stay in a while longer. Such a bummer you missed camp though! Hope these next couple weeks are easy on you. Take care!

Shawn and Cami and Max and Annie said...

Sorry you missed girls camp!! Keep that little dude in there for AT LEAST two weeks if you can! Thanks for keeping us posted!

The Taylor Family said...

Jen- I don't know what you are feeling, my babies never came early, but it is true if you are dehydrated that can induce labor. Just keep doing as little a possible and keep drinking- Thinking about you-

Cathy and Bob Sampert said...

I sure hope you're feeling better now! Good luck with everything! Hopefully your little guy will hang on just a little longer so he can be fully cooked and healthy! Sorry about the camp missing... guess it wasn't meant to be! Your pioneer days stuff looks so fun! Mads on the slip and slide is an awesome picture... so cute! We can't wait to meet our new nephew and are hoping we'll make it out for his blessing... flights are EXPENSIVE though and we'd only be able to stay for 3 days so we're trying to convince ourselves to just spend the money.... hopefully we'll come see you!! We'd be so sad to miss it... Anyway, we love you guys and will keep praying every night for you and the baby!! love, Cathy and Bob

The Larsons said...

That little guy is already causin' you pain?! Darn him! J/K Boys are feisty! :) I am so glad you are feeling better. So scary though. We will keep praying for you. Way to step in Jap! Take care of our girl! I am sure the girls missed you at camp too...I know girls camp is a ton of fun with Jen around! :) Keep us posted!!!!