

Sunday, April 5, 2009


We've been married 8 years. Time has really flown by.
I was lucky enough to marry my best friend.


Ang said...

So cute!! You guys look the haven't aged at all! Good luck on the next 8 years. I've heard that if you can make it past 5 you're set for eternity! I thought the first year was the hardest, and it was a eternity here we come!!!

Megan Jo Eddie said...

You are so beautiful! What a happy day. You both look so in love, just like today. You're a great example of a happy marriage. We love ya

Lowd and Proud said...

Wow!! I can't believe 8 yrs has gone by. Good luck with the rest! I know you married your best friend and that is the greatest thing of all. We love you guys.

Cathy and Bob Sampert said...

Congratulations! Here's hoping for many many more!

Call Family said...

Cute blog Jenn and congrats on 8 great years!

Williams Family said...

congrats!!! You two are such a cute couple. Hope to see you sometime soon. I still haven't got to meet little Jay in person.

Dave and Jen said...

Time flies by when your having fun. I can remember you telling me you were getting married and showing me your ring. We were at the church. What a happy day.