

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Back to a Routine!

It's seems like life hasn't slowed for us yet. We're hoping that since school is starting tomorrow that we will not be AS busy and get into more of a routine again.
We went to Arbon Friday night and spent the night with Jessi and Her hubby Bryce. It was like old times. Staying up late, eating junk food, and just visiting. They have a New Basset Hound puppy that the girls enjoyed. We had to remind them often that he is still a puppy, and he might bite and scratch them. Some tears were shed. But it just reaffirmed NO pets for the Jeppsen's just yet. :)
School starts tomorrow. The girls are EXCITED!!! I'm not excited for the early mornings to start again. But I'm ready for some structure in our life.
Jappy Left for Atlanta, GA this morning, and will be gone until Late Friday night. I haven't been left alone without him for more than a day since we were first married, and he worked for North Western Mutual. I'm hoping I survive(the kids too) The girls always have a hard time being away from Dad, even him leaving for work, or to the grocery store they've been known to burst into tears. We all miss him already.
Last week I attend an Especially For Youth with the Young Women. My heart broke for our first speaker. She has Five kids the youngest being 15 mos old twins. Her husband became sick over night. They discovered he had stage 4 cancer. She tended to his every need until he passed away 11 weeks later. She told how she continues to find strength and courage in the scriptures. She found that if she didn't read her scriptures her day was destined to be chaos, and she didn't have patience with anyone. (I need to read mine more)
I was amazed at her outlook on life. She didn't say "Why me" or "Why my family". She didn't give up, or throw in the towel. She picked herself up, and worked through her daily struggles one day at a time, and thanking the Lord for the BLESSINGS that she had received. She TRULY inspired me.
I dread the day that Jappy leaves this life to meet his family on the other side. I hope that I will always remember this women, and her story. And that I am able to look at the eternal perspective, and remember I will be with him forever.
I admire her and people like her, For finding the good in all things.


Holly said...

Jen, ladies like that give us strenth, they help us with our daily woos. She sounds like an amazing women. Thanks for sharing.

Megan Jo Eddie said...

Thank you for sharing that story. That's a great inspiration. My grandmother went through a similar situation. She was left with 5 little kids and had to learn to do it all on her own. She's my greatest hero. Just love ya Jen. So glad we're friends.