

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I've been slacking in my blogging updates.
Last week the girls had Parent Teacher Conferences. Both are excelling in their classes. And they're loving school. I'm enjoying being in their classrooms weekly. It's nice to see what they're doing and meeting the kids they associate with.
We were able to have Brielle come and play a few weeks ago. She's so petite and Jay's such a Bull. He went to play with a toy that she had and she kept yelling at him "don't don't" Jay looked at her confused. He NEVER hears those words around here.
He's not saying a whole lot. He's still waited on hand and foot. We wouldn't have it any other way.
Jappy had a Birthday last week. We didn't do anything extraordinary. We did get a sitter and just the two of us went out to dinner. Which never happens. His birthday fell on Columbus Day so he had the day off. He wanted to do carpool that day so it really felt like it was my birthday, I didn't have to run kids anywhere. The girls love to spend time the their dad and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Work is going well for him. He has been super busy, and has been in a snow storm already. Gotta love Winter (Fall).
Last week was Stake Conference for us and Jappy got a new calling....
He was Called to the High Council. We are shocked, and scared. But I know that he'll do great.
He's over Stake athletics, education, music, and the stake's audit. He has yet to be released from the Elders Quorum. So he has double duty for awhile.
He's a little apprehensive about this new avenue in the church, but excited about getting to know the people in the stake.

I have found myself finding a piece of creativity with in me. I made Jay a cape. It's so cute and he loves it.
Amber brought her clan this weekend to visit and we made some super cute hair bows for our girls, and I made Jay a bow tie. I'm SO PROUD of myself. I cant wait for him to wear it. I finished his BAM BAM costume. He's ADORABLE in it.


Megan Jo Eddie said...

I can't wait to see the bow tie, and if it's half as cute as that cape.... it will be adorable! You are so creative and such a good mom.

Shawn and Cami and Max and Annie said...

sounds like everything is going great for you guys! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

Cathy and Bob Sampert said...

The girls and Jay are so adorable as always! Glad all is well and that Jap had a great birthday! Jay's cape is super-cute and you can tell he loves it! Way to be making that AND a bow tie! How fun! Of course the girls are doing great in school--they're so brilliant... they've always been such bright kiddos! I'm glad they're loving it though and that they still LOVE their little brother so very much and cater to his every whim! Glad all is well and hope Jap has safe travels this winter in the weather! Will we see you guys at home for Christmas? We sure hope so!