

Monday, August 30, 2010

Miss Brielle came for an over nighter. We absolutly LOVED every minute of it. She's sweet, quiet and kept our boy out of trouble. They played so well together. Having 2 two year olds in the house could make someone a little nervous but it was really Fun.

They played on the swing set, Jumped on the trampoline. Talked on toy phones, to each other, Played with magnetic letters, and rode bikes. We were all so sad when her parents came to get her.

I just threw this picture in of our silly boy. Hopefully with having another boy they will do BOY things together and less dress up. :)


Monika said...

LOL-well, Kai and Jaiden are two boys, but Kai still dresses up in girly clothes when he plays with his girl-friends! ha Ha! Good luck!